Curriculum deeply rooted in Hawaiian perspectives.

Ka Hale Hoaka
Ka Hale Hoaka, a School of Hawaiian Knowledge, is a small ʻohana-owned business from Moloka'i, Hawaiʻi. It began in the first week of the Covid lockdown, March 2020 when co-founder Maile Naehu received a call from a high school friend, Kalani Ho-Nikaido. Kalani recently lost her husband and was raising her two young keiki alone and away from Hawaiʻi. She explained to Maile that she and her late husband, Stephen, promised each other they would teach their keiki about their Hawaiian identity and language. She asked Maile if she would be interested in tutoring them and Maile was honored and agreed. Kalani then asked Maile if she might consider offering a free Zoom class to learn ʻōlelo Hawaiʻi while everyone was stuck at home and unsure of what lay ahead. They shared a simple post on their Facebook pages to register for a 3-week free beginnerʻs ʻOlelo course geared toward keiki and ʻohana. Within 3 days they had over 700 families registered, and they realized they were offering something that was desired and needed, and Ka Hale Hoaka was born. Ka Hale Hoaka is based out of an off-grid home in Honouliwai Valley where Co-founder, Kumu Maile Naehu and her ʻohana create cross-disciplinary courses taught through a Hawaiian world perspective. As an ʻohana, they create educational experiences and resources based on their lifestyle of mālama ʻāina, deep love and stewardship for our environment and their relationship to it. Our courses, classes, workshops, and professional development in various areas such as ʻōlelo Hawaiʻi, Hawaiian cultural arts, multi-disciplinary studies, āina based education, and more. Since its humble beginnings in March 2020, Ka Hale Hoaka has over 16,000+ students of all ages in Hawaiʻi and beyond.
Meet Our Team
Dedication. Expertise. Aloha.